MONKO® Eliminate Health Hazards, Odour & Sludge

Completely natural Biotreatment of Sewerage

MONKO® is used in place of damaging chemicals in delicate environments such as game farms and game lodges. MONKO® essential microorganisms rapidly break down sewerage into harmless compost products, purifying the water in an environmentally friendly way – no chemicals are used. MONKO® eliminates Diseases, Smells & Sludge from all Sewage systems

  • Pit Toilets – no Smell + no Flies + Sludge goes down
  • Septic tanks – Sludge goes down + no smell
  • Sewage Ponds – Smell reduction + sludge reduction
  • Improve Sewage Plant Effluent quality

Sludge Level Reduction, Compost by-products, No chemicals used, Safe non-hazardous

Crystal Clear MONKO® biological water treatment powder provides a natural and sustainable way of treating french drains and pit latrines without resorting to environmentally damaging chemicals.CRYSTAL CLEAR has manufactured biological treatment products for many years. The applications for our MONKO® Bio-treatment products include:

  • Bio-Treatment of oil contamination in lakes, in sumps and on soil Improve biological performance of sewage works
  • Septic tank bio-treatment to remove smells and solids build-up
  • Pit toilet bio-treatment to remove health hazards, flies and sludge build-up
  • Clean-up sewage spillages into dams Bio-treatment of algae in wetland pools

Clients Include Local Reseller network, Enviroserv, Exxaro’s Groetegeluk Coal Mine,Debswana Diamond Mine, SANDF, Total Oil, Natref, Spoornet, Boart Longyear, Goldfields, Wetland Pools, Umtata Skilled labour

The Benefits of Monko®

Elimination of bad odours at Pit Toilets, Reduction of flies, stop spreading diseases from Sewage, Reduce solids & bulking problems Safe decomposition of Sewage to compost by-products, Improve health and quality of life of the community, Improve water quality & solids settling rates

How it works

MONKO® contains essential microorganisms that rapidly breakdown the sewage to harmless compost products. During this process the microbes grow rapidly and multiply, increasing the efficiency of sewage breakdown. The Benefits of using MONKO include [] Elimination of bad odours at Pit Toilets [] Reduction of Flies [] Stop spreading diseases from Sewage [] Reduce solids & bulking problems [] Safe decomposition of Sewage to compost by-products [] Improve health and quality of life of the community [] Improve water quality & solids settling rates

MONKO® Biotreatment
for Sanitation and water purification
MONKO® essential microorganisms rapidly break down sewerage into harmless compost products
MONKO® purifies water in an
environmentally friendly way without chemicals
Eliminate Diseases, Smells & Sludge
from all Sewage systems. Without harmful chemicals
Protects the environment. No chemicals required.
Remediation of diesel and certain other chemical pollution spills
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Case Studies using MONKO® for Oil Biotreatment

A dam at Diamond mine was contaminated with oil from power station. After 3 months of bio-treatment with Crystal Clear’s products, fish were re-introduced into the dam successfully. This mine has purchased bio-treatment products for soil and water contaminated with oils and fuels for the past 15 years

Coal Mine at Matla, in Mpumulanga had oil & sewage contamination in a large lake. A joint project with Enviroserve bio-treated the contamination using Crystal Clear’s MONKO® bio-treatment microbe powder. Oil contamination of a dam at Groetegeluk’s Lephalale Coal Mine has been bio-treatment with Crystal Clear’s bio-treatment microbe powder for the past 14 years. Truck wash-bay at Enviroserv in PE started recycling water, MONKO® was added to the sump to bio-treat the oils and clear the water. Waste drilling muds contaminated with oil and grease were bio-treated for Boart-Long Year. After 24 hours the treated water was re-used for washing, instead of requiring hazardous waste disposal.

An Oil company lost 1 million liters of diesel at a rail-siding. 15 000 tons of soil was bio-treated with MONKO® from 40 000 ppm diesel to less than 1000 ppm in 6 weeks Contact CRYSTAL CLEAR for bio-treatment of: fuels oils sewage high COD effluent algae in wetland pools

Sustainable opportunities in rural areas! Crystal Clear supplies MONKO® to create employment in rural areas and solve the health and quality of life problems due to lack of water for sanitation in these areas. This is one of our social responsibility programs.

MONKO® Powder Technical Information

MONKO® operates by aerobic oxidation of the sewage. It requires to be in contact with the sewage and must be kept wet, for best performance. Since the microbes are aerobic, air is also required for the microbes to multiply rapidly and degrade the sewage, thus the product works in the aerobic zone near the surface of the pit. MONKO® has a 5 year storage life when kept dry.

Over the past 20 years MONKO®, a natural and environmentally safe product, has been successfully used in many types of SEWAGE treatment systems. Adding MONKO® Powder to Pit toilets and Septic tanks has proved to be an easy way of totally removing the Health and Smell problems. MONKO® has been successfully used in Southern Africa for the past 20 years.

MONKO® contains essential microorganisms / microbes which rapidly breakdown the sewage to harmless compost products. During this process the microbes grow rapidly and multiply, increasing the efficiency of sewage breakdown. MONKO® operates by aerobic oxidation of the sewage. It requires to be in contact with the sewage and must be kept wet, for best performance. Since the microbes are aerobic, air is also required for the microbes to multiply rapidly and degrade the sewage, thus the product works in the aerobic zone near the surface of the pit. MONKO® has a 5 year storage life when kept dry.

MONKO® contains essential microorganisms / microbes which rapidly breakdown the sewage to harmless compost products. During this process the microbes grow rapidly and multiply, increasing the efficiency of sewage breakdown. MONKO® operates by aerobic oxidation of the sewage. It requires to be in contact with the sewage and must be kept wet, for best performance. Since the microbes are aerobic, air is also required for the microbes to multiply rapidly and degrade the sewage, thus the product works in the aerobic zone near the surface of the pit. MONKO® has a 5 year storage life when kept dry.

MONKO® Sample Request

    A 500g Free sample packet of MONKO® is available to qualifying organisations in South Africa only. To qualify, organisations need to be a potential reseller, farm or game lodge with septic tanks or french drains that are currently treated with chemicals. Please fill please fill out the form below and advise what your application for MONKO is, and your contact details

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email address (required)

    Your Company Name (required)

    Telephone Number

    Address of the installation

    For what appliation will you use MONKO for?

    Approximately how many litres of water do you use per day?

    Where does your water come from primarily? (select all that apply)

    Do you have an analysis of your water conducted by an authorised laboratory?

    Does your water source have reliable pressure?